RAFAEL ANTON IRISARRI Denovali Swingfest 2014 Weststadthalle, Essen, Germany October - 03 - 2014 Friday Act # 3 / Tape # 3 (18:00 -> 18:45) Rec. Info: DPA 4061 -> Roland D-26 (at WAV 16/44) -> SD -> HD -> WeTransfer -> my HD -> Audacity (edit/volume boost only) -> WAV 16/44 -> TLH8 -> FLAC -> DIME -> YOUR EARS AND MIND... Superb recording, almost perfect. Or could this be a perfect recording? Anyway, I left the final applause on this for the proof that this is really an audience live recording. All thanks to Koeln (or some may say Cologne) to the taper master, dear DIMENEW. Thanks for letting me share this here on DIME. --- "OkAllright" (quote by moe.) as usual around this time, the fine record label DENOVALI put on its SWINGFEST once again. Same date, same time, same location as usual. And once again, a bag full of surprises in one way or the other. Some you might like, some you don't, as usual on any festival of any kind of music on this planet. As your uploader and guidance through all these recordings done on that friday and saturday (no recordings from sunday, due to other commitments of the taper) and a simple fool about all this variying styles I simply like to add a few notes from the DENOVALI site or the artists sites to give you a better clue. I was struck by the sad story of the theft of his truck while moving from Seattle to NYC last May. Let alone the personal shock of the loss of all his equipment except for a grand piano (which seemed to be too heavy and/or too regocnizable to sell via Ebay, thief suckers!), it seemed to be a good sign of hope about his performance at SWINGFEST. So I strongly urge everybody to purchase at least one album directly from his site to recover the enourmous list of items stolen. A few notes about him, from his website... "Rafael Anton Irisarri is an American composer, multi-instrumentalist, electronic music producer, interdisciplinary artist and curator. Predominantly associated with ambient, drone, post-minimalist, and modern classical music, Irisarri's recorded output captures an essential vision of floating tones, deep pulsing bass and textural electronics. His use of ostinato phrases taps into minimalist ideals while atmospheric layers of effects suggests a more cinematic quality in his productions. In all, Irisarri's compositions are deeply emotive and epic to the point of being symphonic." FULL PERFORMANCE (41:50 min.) 01. Untitled (41:50) ************************************************** this starts very quiet for the first 12-13 minutes, then rises and gets really loud. Take care of your speakers (and ears!). **************************************************